
Twins born on different months, days, and years

A set of twins from Salinas, California would not definitely share a birthday as they were born in different months, days, and years.

According to the Natividad Medical Center where the twins were born, the babies came out 15 minutes apart.

The first baby, Alfredo Antonio Trujillo, arrived at 11:45 pm on December 31, as 2021 came to a close.

On the other hand, his sister Aylin Yolando Trujillo was delivered at exactly midnight on January 1 making her the first baby to be born in Monterey county in 2022.

"It's crazy to me that they are twins and have different birthdays," the babies' mother, Fatima Madrigal, was quoted as saying in the statement.

In the US, only 120,000 or 3% of about 2.75m births in 2019 were twins according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the chance of twins being born on different days, months, and years is considered extremely low.

Hence, for Ana Abril Arias, a family doctor at Natividad medical group, the birth of the twins is "one of the most memorable deliveries of my career."

Source: The Guardian

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